The third series, titled Warriors: Power of Three, was released from 2007 to 2009, and includes: The Sight, Dark River, Outcast, Eclipse, Long Shadows, and Sunrise.
The plot focuses on the prophecy, "there will be three, kin of your
kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws", which was given to
Firestar in Firestar's Quest by Skywatcher before dying. The series follows three young cats named Hollyleaf, Jayfeather, and Lionblaze
(originally named Hollykit, Jaykit, and Lionkit, then renamed Hollypaw,
Jaypaw, and Lionpaw) who are Firestar's grandkits which makes them the
cats of the prophecy. Jayfeather is blind, but soon discovers he has a
unique power, as does one of his siblings. Jayfeather has the power to
feel emotions and memories coming off of other cats and walk in their
dreams, where he is then able to see. Lionblaze has the power to never
get hurt in a fight. Hollyleaf does not have any power, and is later
revealed not to be the third cat foretold in the prophecy.
In Dark River the siblings search for missing WindClan kits
with help from two WindClan apprentices, Breezepaw and Heatherpaw. While
searching, the tunnels flood, almost killing them, however, everyone
eventually gets out safely. In Outcast, two cats from the Tribe
request help to drive away a group of loners that are stealing prey from
the Tribe. The Clans send a patrol to help. There, Jayfeather learns
that the Tribe came from the lake, and tells his siblings about the
In Eclipse, a loner cat called Sol warns Jayfeather and Leafpool that the sun will disappear. During a battle involving all four Clans, the sun disappears in an eclipse. Sol then persuades ShadowClan to lose faith in StarClan in Long Shadows. Jayfeather, Lionblaze and Hollyleaf fake a sign from StarClan to convince Blackstar that StarClan is real and should be followed. Sol is banished and apparently disappears.
Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, and Lionblaze learn in Sunrise that
their true parents are Leafpool and Crowfeather, not Squirrelflight and
Brambleclaw. During a Gathering, Hollyleaf reveals this to all the
Clans, and then runs away into the tunnels because she could not stand
the fact that her birth was against the warrior code, which meant a lot
to her. The tunnels then collapsed on Hollyleaf which trapped and/or
killed her. The book ends with Jayfeather realizing that Hollyleaf was
never meant to be part of the Three, and that either Dovekit or Ivykit, grandkits of Firestar's nephew, Cloudtail, is meant to be the third cat of the prophecy.
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